
DIK (Germany)
KBR Ingenieros S.A. (Peru)
Gebr. Brasseler GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
PV Fluid (USA)
ООО «СпецБорЗащита»
НПЦ «Трибоника»
АО "ФНПЦ "Прогресс"
АО «ЧПО им. В. И. Чапаева»
АО «Ярославский завод РТИ»
АО «Чайковский завод РТД»
«Радиус-сервис» (ООО "ТК Шлюмберже")
ООО Завод РТИ-Каучук
Акционерное общество "Кировский ордена Отечественной войны I степени комбинат искусственных кож"


Effect of hollow corundum microspheres on properties of sole shoe rubber
The effect of Hollow Corundum Microspheres HCM-L on the elastic
deformation properties and rubber abrasion based on the combination of БНКС40АМН (NBR), ХСПЭ-40 (Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene, CSPE), СКД (BR)
and СКМС-30АРК (SBR) rubbers was studied. It was proved that a rubber
compound containing 3.00 parts by weight microspheres has the highest
wearability and can be recommended for the manufacturing of sole shoe rubber.
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Tribotechnical properties of elastomer compositions modified by hollow corundum microspheres of aluminum oxide
In order to reduce the wear rate and frictional coefficient, various kinds of
antifriction materials are introduced into the polymer base. Volumetric
modification of elastomeric compositions with Hollow Corundum Microspheres of
aluminum oxide (HCM-S particle sized 5-100 microns and HCM-L – 70-
180 microns) was performed to improve their tribotechnical properties. The
introduction of microspheres into the compound of the elastomeric composition
results in a decrease of rubber abrasion and in a reduction of frictional coefficient.
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Kit-Stroy SPb

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